Thursday 27 October 2011

Progressing nicely - general update

Well Kai was ten weeks old yesterday. He now weighs 2.2kg. He had his second vaccination (he yelped again, poor little man) so in a couple of weeks he will be going with the girls for a walk in the morning. He should have no trouble socialising, being confident and bold. There is no doubt that the girls will see off any dogs they don't like the look of to protect him.

He is picking things up really quickly and easily. He really is a good puppy, no trouble at all. His manners are improving. Where he would try and get in the mug with you whilst drinking tea, he is now not paying as much attention. If the mug is on the table though then it's fair game, which keeps us on our toes! He's not teething as much so biting is less. Huge relief all round.

Oh, they've gone upstairs again and I can't follow them..
Toilet training going well. He takes himself to the back door or toddles down garden with Eric. The only snag is that he is so easily distracted that he forgets what he's out there for, and then does it when he comes back in. He is also using the paper if he can't get out, when Eric is out. Sadly his aim isn't particularly great. He goes round and round in circles and then misses. Still, he's go the right idea!

He and Kayla adore each other. They regularly play together. He gives as good as he gets, and Kayla is really gentle with him. She also gets him to chase her, something she's tried with other dogs we've had, but never succeeded. Kai is only too happy to oblige. As a result he hasn't really chewed anything he shouldn't. There are so many toys around anyway because of the girls that there is always one to hand. He has a couple of toys of his own, soft ones which he seems to like. The teething toy we bought him have been thoroughly chewed up. Unfortunately not by Kai, but Kayla of course. At this rate we're going to have to get two sets, one for Kai and another for her!!

He has reached the age where he wants to try any bit of 'grot' that he can find. We get all manner of things being brought in, from twigs to pieces of foam (thanks to the builders next door) and anything in between. He even came in with a bowl that was so big that he couldn't walk properly with it in his mouth. Like most of the girls' toys this doesn't bother him in the slightest. He just totters forward, falling over it every few steps!!

It's a hard life being a puppy...
Grooming him can be a bit of a battle. He wriggles so much it becomes impossible to brush the leg or whatever bit you're trying to do. He doesn't bat an eyelid having his ears plucked. I think it bothers me considerably more than it does him. It's usually the front paws that are hardest to do. Hopefully as he gets older he will be calmer. Vital that he gets a full groom each day otherwise it could become an issue. Not good as he will have to be clipped at regular intervals throughout his life.

Kai is an absolute joy to have. He's brought us so much pleasure already. We are lucky to have him and love him to pieces. Who wouldn't love our little 'ewok'!!!

Saturday 22 October 2011

It's the wrong.... beds!

Why do dogs like to sleep in the most uncomfortable way they can?

Perfect example shown in this photo. Bella has somehow managed to squeeze herself onto Kai's tiny bed. Meanwhile Kai is hogging the huge dog bed we have for the girls. I just had to take a photeo and put it on here!


Ah, a finger.. Think I'll bite that!!
Oh boy, is Kai teething or what?!?

He has teeth and he knows how to use them. Namely sinking them into us at every available moment given half a chance. He prefers to bite Eric, going for sleeves, shoes, wrist, hand, fingers. He has also become very adept at pulling his hankie out of his pocket.
He has teething dummies which he is starting to gnaw at but irritatingly Kayla seems to get hold of them at every opportunity. She got through two whole sets of teething keys when she was a pup, plus what was left of Bella's.

Monday 17 October 2011

Haven't I grown?

It's amazing how quickly Kai is growing. You don't notice the change when you're with him every day but you do when you compare photos. His facial hair is rapidly developing into the beard, eyebrows etc which are so characteristic of the Mini Schnauzer. He is becoming more handsome every day!

Kai today, aged just under 9 weeks
Kai aged 7 weeks and a day

His character is coming out as well. He is brave, bold and inquisitive. He's really playful, loves tugging things and of course chewing! He loves pouncing at Kayla, biting her tail and generally being a pest! 

He's a really good puppy, already doing most of hi 'business' outside, taking himself to the back door. He comes when he's called, happily following Eric up and down the garden.

Sunday 16 October 2011

It's hard work looking after a puppy....

... says Kayla!

When we first got Kai, she was very nervous about him. He was tiny (and still is) but there was curling of her lips and general hostility towards him. Kayla the nutter soon mellowed into Kayla the doting 'big sister'. She has always wanted our other dogs to love her, but she has always gone about it the wrong way and never really succeeded. Of course nothing was different with Kai. She started to love him, but would then clump him with her paw in the usual way when she doesn't get the immediate reaction she wants.

Just checking Kai's alright
The transformation in Kayla's demeanor and behaviour has been amazing. It's as if she has suddenly grown up. No more the constant demands for us to throw her toys, the dashing around the living room, leaping around the furniture like a mad thing. She has become careful (most of the time) and now doesn't clump him, rather gently touches him with her paw. She rarely strays far from him, watching him to make sure he's ok. This even extends to when he's asleep. She watches him, as if concerned that he is too still. He of course has responded to her affection and it is clear that he adores her just as much as does him.

It is lovely to watch them play, Kayla lying down so that he can climb on her or pounce at her. Lots of play poses, pouncing at each other, playing with toys. She has become unbelievably tolerant. He is teething like crazy but in the main she is lets him bite and pull her tail, grab at her leg etc. Of course the constant attention has taken it's toll and she looks exhausted bless her. He's hanging onto her tail and she does little more than look at Eric as if to say 'I wish he'd stop that'. She certainly takes her role seriously devoting all her time to him. She won't even get on the bed at night until she's happy that he's alright. It has been the absolute making of Kayla. She would have made an outstanding mother. If he does something he shouldn't she will dance around with a toy in her mouth, woofing.

In the last day or so she has finally started to take herself up the stairs or get onto the sofa where he can't follow for some quiet time. She is also starting to discipline him gently if he becomes too boisterous such as tugging and biting her tail too hard. It does take a long time for her to get to this point. Lots of magical moments between the two of them. Kayla being as clever as she is, has already learned the command 'Wher'es Kai, go and find him'. Off she goes to find him, and will bring him back inside gently.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad,

Friday 14 October 2011

Kai, the tea drinker

I'm sure there's tea in here somewhere!
From the moment we got  him, Kai has been obsessed with tea. He gets a whiff and he's there. To the point that at first he would be trying to get into the mug with you as you were drinking it!!
We've never known a dog like drinking tea at such a young age. You'd think it would be too strong a flavour. No, he loves it!!

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Kayla teaching Kai to play

Kayla is learning to be gentle with him. After the first couple of days where she was her usual dysfunctional self, clumping him with her paw to get a reaction, making him yelp, she has taken a different approach. She started doing play poses at him, then pounced back and forth. Initially he sat and watched her but after a few attempts he started to respond. Tentative steps towards them starting to play. He has started to do the same back. Some lovely moments upstairs when I was having a bath.

Kai is so brilliantly sure of himself, he sits and watches, taking everything in before going further. Even when she was too rough with him, he went straight back in for more. He isn't frightened of her or Bella, and has started playing with Kayla's toys. They are huge but he manages to lift them and carry them around.

Magical moment this morning. Kai was holding black sheep. Kayla pounced with her paw, got the toy. Kai jumped backwards. Kayla then put the toy on the ground a little in front of her. As if giving the toy back to him. She then picked it up and placed it closer still. He was watching her but didn't move. Finally she nosed the toy towards him. This time he grabbed it. A lovely moment showing just how caring she is.

Similar thing happened this afternoon. Kayla went and got her yellow rugby ball. She rolled it to Kai from further away and hadn't got his attention. She rolled it a second time. This time he grabbed at it.

I think Kayla and Kai are going to become very close. Kayla is constantly looking out for him, she is such a caring girl and now she has someone that she can love and be a playmate to. She is constantly looking for him and checking he is alright.

Sunday 9 October 2011

About Kai

Kayla, the `nutter` of the family
Kai is our Miniature Schnauzer, born on 17th August 2011. He is a beautiful black and silver colour. Kennel Club name Hawkwellpark Plumridge,

We have never had a 'Mini Schnauzer' before, but we have always been a three dog family going right back to our first dogs, Tawr, Badger and Sage. The mix has always been two large and one small, be they rescue dogs (usually Oldies - something I would recommend wholeheartedly by the way. All they want is love, food and walks, but what they give back is
love in spades) or puppies.
Bella, my wonderful girl
We went down to two dogs because we lost the wonderful Brunty. Our current two, Bella & Kayla were both puppies when we got them. Both are extremely intelligent Border Collies who we are devoted to. Bella is thoroughly bonded to me, whilst Kayla is the same with my husband Eric.

Kai, taken the evening we got him. 6/10/2011

So why a Mini Schnauzer? 'The Girls' don`t take any nonsense where other dogs are concerned, but they tend to get on well with small dogs. There are a couple they see on their walk and played with. Eric thought they were lovely. He suggested we might like one, I looked them up, a friend brought her`s round and we were both smitten.

All that was left was to find a good breeder and go for it! As you can see from the photo above we found one! Having no prior experience of the breed we chose a local Kennel Club Accredited Breeder. Our little man came from a family run breeder, meaning the litter was born and grew up indoors and so gained valuable socialisation in those early weeks of life. 

This is Peggy, Kai`s mother
This is Oscar, Kai`s father
Here are Kai's parents, Peggy and  Oscar. They were due to be clipped when went the first time but were gorgeous. The next time they had been and Oscar in particular was incredibly handsome.

We chose Kai at 2 weeks old from a litter of 5 (2 Dogs, 3 Bitches). We were able to visit Kai again when he was 4 weeks old, then 5 and a half weeks, before bringing him home just after he was 7 weeks. It was amazing how much he changed in such a small time, with his head and fur changing dramatically each time.

Kai, 2 weeks old, 31/8/2011

At 2 weeks Kai was absolutely tiny. His eyes were just about open. He was already inquisitive. Beautiful markings and fur so soft and jet black. An absolute little cracker!

Kai, 4 weeks old, 14/8/2011

Kai, just under 6 weeks old, 26/9/2011
By 4 weeks he had changed loads. He was bigger and his eyes were fully open. His fur had grown a little longer and was coarser. Seemed really comfortable being held by us. Constantly looking around taking things in. You could see the start of his beard and those beautiful silver eyebrows.

Big changes by the next time we next saw him. He was beginning to look like a Mini Schnauzer. His fur was longer and his facial hair developing nicely. He was also developing a gorgeous `scruffy` look. Much more active he was licking and nibbling at us. He was also running around, albeit clumsily. Not very co-ordinated!! Really steady, not frightened by anything. Really excited about getting him!

We picked him up on 6/10/2011. The beginning of our lives together had finally arrived. our little man was home.